

With a degree in Fine Arts from the UPV, she first came into contact with urban art back in 2006, although it was not until late 2020 that she was able to prioritize the mural over other works, participating in festivals such as Más Que Muros de Sagunto, Millerntor Gallery, Springbeast or Dones de Ciencia (UPV) among others.

She has collaborated with projects of Médicos sin Fronteras, Wallspot or the biennial International Women and Cinema in Valencia. She works mainly on themes related to corporealities trying to link them with the places where she makes her interventions, taking into account the dialogue with the spaces and the neighbors who inhabit them. Currently, she works professionally in illustration, concept art, comic and muralism as a freelance living in Barcelona.


As they asked us how we imagine the future, I took the idea from the story of a farm that became two factories and know is a still growing space full of energy, knowledge and kind people at Hainhölzer Höfe.

As I see, it could sound naïve, but as privileged European citizens, the only way to repair and learn now that we almost destroyed our own home could be to stop, take a look back and restate the way we inhabit the spaces and the way we relate to each other.

- Galletamaria


