Ferosone and Dilkone were born in Ukraine. They are a couple of artists who were trained in the streets, learning to paint through graffiti, murals and street art rather than a formal art education.
From style writing, they evolved into painting more conscious subjects. Letters transformed to compositions and characters got their stories.
In 2012, they created a collective called the Kickit Art Studio. They hold exhibitions projects and work in the public space. Their work investigates being of modern human in global context using a mix of different materials on paper and canvas, balancing between the figurative and the abstract.
At present they live and work in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
“Fragile World”
“The illusion of security is our utopia. The fragility of everything around us is our reality. The main symbol in the composition is a house under a palm tree. It shows a carefree and heavenly life. However, it is on shaky ground, which shows the changing and uncertain stability of the world system. It's about what we've been going through lately.”
- Dilk One